3903 North Madison Street
Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 326 - 2405
Kristen was born and raised in Spokane, WA. She knew from a very young age that she wanted to work within the restaurant industry.
After graduating high school she immediately went on to attend The Inland Northwest Culinary Academy where she graduated with honors in 2004. She worked at 2 breweries in Spokane before leaving the Inland Northwest for Arizona in 2006.
Kristen dabbled in several facets of the restaurant world in Arizona ranging from 5 Star Golf Resorts, Arcades, Coffee Shops, Wine Bar and even managed a salon before returning to Spokane in 2008 after the death of her father.
Upon returning, Kristen tried her hand at teaching. She taught hospitality skills at a local non-profit to low income and homeless women with the intent of gaining full time employment. Less than a year later funding was cut and Kristen was left without a job.
With the help and support of her mother and family, Kristen opened the Garland Sandwich Shoppe in late 2008.
Kristen - Marie Speller Owner/Chef